CIMS / InteGrade Pro Data Transfer Utility

The CIMS / InteGrade Pro Data Transfer Utility (Schedule Utility) allows schools and districts using CIMS to easily transfer student schedule information direction into InteGrade Pro gradebooks.

By "piggybacking" onto the familiar process of the existing CIMS / InteGrade Pro File Converter utility, the Schedule Utility extracts the data for each student for each teacher for each school. This lets teachers inspect their students' schedules, allowing them to help new students with their schedules, coordination between classes, and facilitating any special considerations that students may need based on their schedules.

Districts and schools currently transfer student and class information from CIMS to InteGrade Pro using NCS Pearson's CIMS / InteGrade Pro File Converter utility. The Schedule Utility further adds student schedule information to these GRD files. By inspecting the CIM file, the Schedule Utility extracts the information missed by the File Converter utility and adds that critical information to the GRD files. The Schedule Utility provides teachers with the following for each class in a student's schedule:

  • the beginning and ending period
  • term
  • course title
  • teacher's name
  • classroom

In version 2.0 of the CIMS / InteGrade Pro Schedule Data Transfer Utility: Teacher communications data!

As an added feature of the newest version of the Schedule Utility, administrators are now able to automatically populate teacher gradebooks with critical teacher information. By providing the Schedule Utility with a standard Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, the Schedule Utility is able to automatically populate a teacher's GRD file with the teacher's SMTP, email account, website, and school website settings. This allows administrators to remotely and automatically configure the Communications dialog in InteGrade Pro. InteGrade Pro Server then uses this information to populate user settings on import - no more manual entry or telephone walk through! 

Note: Some of the more recent versions of InteGrade Pro have been enhanced to include this data. Please email us and we can tell you if your version already has some of these features.


InteGrade Pro, InteGrade Pro Link are registered Trademarks of Pearson Education.